COVER ART_bassador
COVER ART_bassador

0 learners earned this badge

Cover art refers to the package design of a published product such as an album (or song), movie, or video game.Cover art can be any graphic design and often includes photographs and illustrations. Effective cover art gives consumers a quick visual overview of the product. Even downloadable products usually have cover art displayed with them. Visual communication is important to consumers regardless of medium or format.


Badge Type: Challenge

  • Test Badge

    Test Description

  • COVER ART_bassador

    Cover art refers to the package design of a published product such as an album (or song), movie, or video game.Cover art can be any graphic design and often includes photographs and illustrations. Effective cover art gives consumers a quick visual overview of the product. Even downloadable products usually have cover art displayed with them. Visual communication is important to consumers regardless of medium or format.

  • COVER ART_bassador

    Cover art refers to the package design of a published product such as an album (or song), movie, or video game.Cover art can be any graphic design and often includes photographs and illustrations. Effective cover art gives consumers a quick visual overview of the product. Even downloadable products usually have cover art displayed with them. Visual communication is important to consumers regardless of medium or format.

  • Remote ReDesign Games Master

    You earned this badge for completing the challenge to design a zoom version of a classic camp game. You used design thinking process tools to reimagine what is possible.  You turned pain points into opportunities for design. You solved problems with creativity and strategy. Now play your new game with campers!